When it wasn't my turn, I sat on a chair, looking what was going on, relaxing, drinking a pint of beer, and having a look to some magazines on the table next to me. And my eyes caught something:

Immediately, I thought I want those magazines to be mine. I'm neither a ecologist, nor a activist of the environment, I only try to recycle things, but I found them interesting and I asked to the waitress, I also told her that I can pay for them. Well she kindly asked to the owner and he generously said that I can keep them, free of charge.
Those are two supplements of The Independent called DISAPPEARING WORLD, 100 THINGS YOUR GRANDCHILDREN MAY NEVER SEE. The headline is shocking. I know that a magazine sells its scandalous titles, I know that there's a lot of species has already disappeared, I know I can't change the world, and I know all that jazz. But you know, I guess it's sort of good thinking about it sometimes. Just to be conscious. Just to appreciate what we can see around.
I liked those two issues because they weren't only about the nature, but also about human and cultures. The first one focuses on Britain (17 October 2005) and the second on the world (18 october 2005), featuring 50 things each. The explanation and the pictures are really good.
Well I proposed to myself to talk about those 50 things of the world our "grandchildren may never see" on this blog. I wouldn't, couldn't, shouldn't copy, so I'll just recite 50 things from the magazine, tell my opinion with some pictures. All the posts are going to appear like "disappearing : xxx". It's going to be like a serial! I hope you enjoy with this new group of posts.
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