What was your favorite subject when you were studying? I loved Latin, geography... but actually my favorite subject depended on the teacher, maybe I'm easily influenced. The more the teacher was good, well, not only good but also enthusiastic, the more I was interested in all the stuff.
The last year of the university, some friends and I chose History of Spanish Art, and it was good decision because of the teacher.
I was very disappointed with Art of Valencia which I studied the year before, because it was like teacher speaking alotofthingstogether and we were just copying all the things he said and I didn't learn anything, oh it was absolutely boring. I felt asleep all the time. And of course, the art history is too long to finish it in few month, so we gave up in the middle of all.
But this time I was lucky. I don't remember his name, maybe Jose, maybe Miguel, I know I'm ungrateful(;´Д`), but that teacher was the best. I think every teacher must be like him. He loved his job, he loved what he was teaching, and he treated us good. He knew we had just few months, so he chose some topics to be studied deeply. Furthermore, he picked up (relatively) modern arts. It permitted us to continue studying, more and less, what we were studying the year before.
And today I'm gonna show you the painter of his life: Ignacio Pinazo. The teacher loved so much this artist who is not very popular, so he took few weeks to tell us his paintings... actually I'm sure he was feeling the orgasm when he was talking about him!! And you know, it made me like his paintings!!
This is his Autorretrato (self-portrait/自画像), 1899.
Ignacio Pinazo was born in Valencia in 1849 and died in 1916 at Godella. He was good painter, whatever the theme is. Historical theme wasn't his liking but look, this is his Los últimos momentos del Rey Don Jaime el Conquistador (The last moments of the King James I the Conqueror/征服王ハイメ1世の最期), 1881.

For me that's very splendid.
But after all, his style is painting scenes of daily life. He had influenced to the big Sorolla. Our teacher told us that he isn't popular, maybe because he was not ambitious at all. He was humble. I don't know much about arts, but I believe it because all his paintings are quiet and charming in my eyes. Look this cute girl!
Juegos icarios (I don't know how to translate it, maybe Icarus' Games/イカロスの遊び?), 1877

Niña (Girl/女の子), 1880; heartbreaking one.

Mujeres bañándose (Women bathing/女の海水浴), 1890

Merienda en la playa (Lunch at the beach/浜辺でのおやつ), 1891

Niña (Girl/女の子), 1880; heartbreaking one.

Mujeres bañándose (Women bathing/女の海水浴), 1890

Merienda en la playa (Lunch at the beach/浜辺でのおやつ), 1891

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