Ésta es una de mis fotografías de mucho recuerdo. Claro que artísticamente no tiene nada pero vamos, que cada vez que la veo me río un poco.

That very very handsome model is 20 years old me and the photographer is my aunt's husband, so my American uncle. I had a sort of driving excursion with them in El Paso, where they live. The top of hill was great, it was a sunny day and we could see all El Paso in one sight, and Mexico as well, my aunt showed me it, and yes, their flag is indeed very big. You can see it in the picture! For first time I saw a real border.
20歳の時にテキサスはエルパソに遊びに行ったんですけど、実は母の方の親戚が住んでてね、この写真はそのアメリカ人の伯父さんが撮ってくれたものなんす。滞在中に車で色んな所に連れてってもらったんだけど、エルパソを見渡せるなんか丘みたいな所にもドライビングしてもらって、そこで撮ってもらったんよ。向こう側に見えるのがメキシコの領土。デカイ旗が見えるべw この目で国境を見たのは初めてかもしれないと感動したもんです。
La persona soy yo, cuando tenía 20 años. Estuve de visita en El Paso, al sur de Texas, porque tengo una familia allí. Me sacó la foto pues mi tío americano. Me llevaron de excursión por muchos sitios, a pesar de la corta estancia. Y una vez estuvimos en esa colina de la foto, por donde se ve toda la ciudad y se ve hasta México. En la foto incluso se ve la gran bandera de los mexicanos!! Mi tía decía "mira qué orgullosos son!!" jejeje
So there I asked my uncle to take me a picture (because my aunt is afraid of the height, she stayed in the car!! charming!), so he took my camera delightfully and found a place to shot. He was ready and so was I. And well, I realized about a little inconvenience, he's over seventy and his hands were inevitably shaking. Thus I was like "ohh, what a pity, the picture is gonna be blurred", but of course I didn't tell him anything, he was making an effort and I really appreciated that.
Y bueno, allí mismo le pedí a mi tío que me sacara una foto, porque mi tía se había quedado en el coche, tiene miedo a la altura!! Mi tío se preparó, encontró buen sitio para tomar, todos preparados y me di cuenta de algo. Pues que él ya es un poco mayor y que no podía fijar la cámara con sus manos. Así que estaba convencido de que la foto iba a salir borrosa.
But then I checked the picture and it was just perfect! I guess I underrated his Veteran experience and power! I was a little bit ashamed about doubting him but I was wrong. He did it great!
Pero me llevé una sorpresa al comprobarla, porque como véis, estaba perfecta! Supongo que subestimé el poder de un veterano (de guerra y sobre todo de la vida).
And there is another shot, I made it and now the person is my uncle. It was in a big mall, and we were shopping to buy something for my Spanish family. I became accustomed shopping (my mother and sister are guilty) but my uncle must find shopping very boring, so he preferred to wait us in the bench! He is stylish with that hut, boots and jeans.
He aquí otra foto de recuerdo. Es mi tío esperándonos en el centro comercial. Los hombres somos todos así eh! Y me encanta ese estilo de vaquero.

Unfortunately, he passed away last week. I could meet him only few times in my life because of the distance, but he was always pleasant with me, he was always smiling and joking, certainly agreeable person. Very American. The only thing I regret is that I couldn't talk much with him because I was a little bit shy and wasn't confident talking in English. But the fact is that I'm lucky because I can keep all good memories about him, like all the driving journey or the time when he took me to his caravan to show me that and to watch his beloved western films on TV. I pray so he can rest in peace. I heard that his body is wearing his Air Force uniform, I'm sure that, as always, he's elegant.
Desafortunadamente, mi tío falleció la semana pasada. Lo bueno es que hace un año y medio he tenido la suerte y el placer de pasar unos días juntos, con él y con su familia. Y con ese recuerdo y con el de la infancia, siempre guardaré memorias bonitas y afables.
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