He united his people. His way was sort of take part of us or die, you decide and he conquered much of Eurasia (China, Russia, Persia, etc.) and his heirs even arrived to Hungary, just to make a big summary. That helped international trade and the world developed a lot. But his moral values were quite important. He respect all type religion and beliefs, everything which concern to self improvement was right. The royalty was the most important thing to him. The treachery was definitely condemned, even when Genghis sees that the enemy's leader betrays his people, that was the most awful thing to Genghis:
No wonder that to Genghis loyalty was the moral equivalent of gold, hard won, easily lost.It seems that all Mongols, in present day, conserve that value, I heard a lot. Beautiful people, aren't they?
Also his mysteries are addictive, the more you research, the more you want to know about his secrets, which is unknowable, at least undiscoverable. And I wonder what would happened if his heirs continued the conquest toward Western Europe. I'd like to know, or I wouldn't. I don't know...
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