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travel : Mongol

The three main attractions of Mongolia, or Mongol as I like to call the country, is Genghis, wild nature and the nomadic lifestyle.Ginghis made Mongol great and this reason is enough to visit there. The wild nature and the nomadism are also his background, so I guess everything is connected. The most interesting thing in the Mongolian nature is that it is almost untouched. So every place in Mongol would be wonderful, it should be like feel the human emptiness in the never ending land. So inner, so deep, so private. This is one of the highest country, the temperature changes a lot during the year (so is summer the best?), but it seems like it rains a little, so blue sky is guarantied.
The population is about 2.7 million, half of them still chooses the nomadic life, using the famous ger as the house. I really would love to meet them and somehow feel that, although I'd like to see them untouched forever (what is already not). I heard that in the nomadic people, there is no real conception of ownership of land. I wonder how it is possible. A woman married with a Mongol said that the Mongols are the most civilized people in the world due to their respectful thoughts. Perhaps that makes sense. As simple like that.


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